Rally Cross

For 2025 we expect three clubs to be organizing events, KWRC, MCO & PMSC. We have the dates for KWRC & PMSC, MCO dates are coming soon (Feb 7)

There is also a province wide championship spanning the three clubs. It’s an overlay championship, meaning we just extract the scores from individual events. You can count your best five events with no more than two from any one club counting. There is no fee to enter the championship, just fill this simple google form.

Championship rules are posted here. Note you only accumulate points after you register for the championship.

The list of requested permanent car numbers is here. To request a permanent number email [email protected]

RallyCross Dates for 2025
RSO Championship Eligible
1Saturday, April 19, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross Test dayNo
2Saturday, May 10, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross #1Yes
3Saturday, May 24, 2025PMSCPMSC RallyCross #1Yes
4Sunday, May 25, 2025MCOMCO RallyCross #1Date Tentative
5Saturday, May 31, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross #2Yes
6Saturday, June 7, 2025PMSCPMSC RallyCross #2Yes
7Saturday, July 5, 2025PMSCPMSC RallyCross #3Yes
8Sunday, July 6, 2025MCOMCO RallyCross #2Date Tentative
9Saturday, July 12, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross #3Yes
10Saturday, August 16, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross #4Yes
11Saturday, August 23, 2025PMSCPMSC RallyCross #4Yes
12Saturday, September 20, 2025KWRCKWRC RallyCross #5Yes
13Saturday, September 27, 2025PMSCPMSC RallyCross #5 Yes
14Sunday, September 28, 2025MCOMCO RallyCross #3Date Tentative

Rally cross, also commonly referred to as “RX”, is an entry level form of performance rally but without a navigator. Events take place on short courses and pretty much any type of car can enter. No special safety systems are required other than a helmet that meets the CARS regulations (the rally cross regs are available in the CARS Rule Book on their website).

There are three clubs in Ontario that are currently offering rally cross events.  Please visit their websites for information about their events and supplemental regulations they may have.

Kitchener-Waterloo Rally Club – KWRC
Motorsport Club of Ottawa – MCO TBA
Peterborough Motor Sports Club – PMSC